How is it to approach the end of your life in a country where euthanasia seems to be the norm? What does it really mean to ‘die in dignity’? Do we dare to be vulnerable and hand over your autonomy? Is it allowed to take time to die? Documentary director Anne Christine Girardot also does volunteer work in a hospice in Holland, specialized in palliative care. It’s a place where sick people come to spend the last phase of their life. A guest says that the hospice a place is where ‘everything is focused on life’. In the Dutch context where media shows a lot of ‘euthaniasm’ suggesting that the chosen death is the best way to keep your dignity, where more and more people are struggling finding a meaning to their life at the end of it, Anne Christine felt the urgency to show in a documentary a realistic picture of the end of life like she sees it in the hospice. Following five people living in the hospice, Anne Christine wonders what it really means for people when they know the only have few time to live and what does dignity mean? Time to die shows a naked and tender truth about a topic we all have to deal with.