Feature, Drama
Mohammed Raouf Sebbahi
400.000 USD
Key Cast
Ahmad Hammoud, Nisrin Erradi
Other Festivals
44th Cairo international film festival Cairo November 20, 2022 World premiere Egypt. 4th Maghreb film festival Haarlem March 12, 2023 Europe Best director Netherlands. 23th khouribga international Africain film festival Khouribga May 7, 2023 Moroccan Critique Award and jury spécial Award Morocco. Casablanca Arab film festival Casablanca June 18, 2023 Official selection Morocco. Lift off London July 4, 2023 Uk United Kingdom. Aesthetica film festival York September 12, 2023 No Official selection United Kingdom. Jagran film festival Mombay August 10, 2023 Asia premiere Official selection India. 23th Tangier national film festival Morocco Tangier October 20, 2023 Best director best film best cinematography Morocco. 20thAbuja international Abuja October 23, 2023 Nigeria Best film best director best script best cinematography best music Nigeria. 3rd Elhouceima international film festival Elhouceima November 22, 2023 Best sound Morocco

Fadila, a female emergency physician, is married to Kader who is a head nurse at the same hospital. They have been in a love affair since childhood. They had been on the verge of divorce when Kader was diagnosed with a fatal cancer. Having faced with the need to take a pause to rethink their marital life along with the duty to assist a beloved, Fadhila is faced with a big dilemma. Being proud, and defeatist, Kader has likely refused to be helped. Kader was, for Fadila, an urgent case and the most disturbing of her life.

Fadila, una donna medico d’urgenza, è sposata con Kader, che è capo infermiere nello stesso ospedale. Sono stati amanti fin dall’infanzia. Erano sul punto di divorziare quando a Kader è stato diagnosticato un cancro fatale. Affrontando la necessità di fare una pausa per riflettere sulla loro vita matrimoniale insieme al dovere di assistere una persona cara, Fadila si trova di fronte a un grande dilemma. Orgoglioso e sconfitto, Kader ha probabilmente rifiutato di farsi aiutare. Kader è stato, per Fadila, un caso urgente e il più sconvolgente della sua vita.