Best Editing 2021
Year 2010, at 66 years old, Ramiro Calle, pioneer in introducing yoga in Spain, contracts listeriosis in Sri Lanka. Entered in Madrid and against the prognosis that granted 4 hours to him of life, he recovered disturbing to the medical body. Few months after that he continued giving classes in its center, the Shadak, through where came more than three hundred thousand people since 1971. An inexpert narrator, through the experience of Ramiro Calle and his 50 years of personal investigation, investigate about the real yoga; its more deceptive virtues, their intention and its forms. Without avoiding the controversy, with humor, force and wisdom we will go to the bottom of the question of YOGA in Spain and Rishikesh, India, thanks to a unique audio-visual trip on something so discussed, so practiced and as well, so little known.